Ridge Travels to Celebrate 60 Years
By President / Lieutenant David Morris
July 26, 2015

On July 26th, Chief Christy Ridgell and President David Morris loaded up in A48 and traveled to Potomac Heights Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad to honor 60 years of dedicated, active service for Mr. Charlie Wills.

Mr. Wills began his journey with the Indian Head Volunteer Fire Department on July 18th, 1955 before joining Potomac Heights a few years later. It was here that Charlie began to learn, and subsequently mentor, many of the firefighters and EMTs. Charlie put the education he learned out on the street to practical use when he became a Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI) instructor, which he still does today. He has taught and mentored many in Charles and St. Mary's Counties.

Numerous awards and proclamations were handed out by local, county and state dignitaries. Past members traveled far and wide to honor Mr. Wills, a man who has dutifully and willfully served his community by volunteering. A48 served as a main focal point of the celebration, as it -- along with Engine 72 of the PHVFDRS and old E1, a 1935 Ford/American La France, served as the backdrop for Mr. Wills to receive his gifts.

On behalf of the officers and members of the Ridge Volunteer Rescue Squad, we would like to congratulate and thank Mr. Wills for his faithful service to the community. Congratulations!

First fourteen (14) photos courtesy of PHVFDRS

Units: A48