Members / Cadillac Receive Awards at SMVFA Convention
By Secretary/Lieutenant David Morris
April 27, 2014

On April 26th, a few members traveled north to Dunkirk for the annual Southern Maryland Volunteer Fireman's Association (SMVFA) convention. The convention is held yearly in one of the different tri-counties that are part of the SMVFA.

The memorial service began first. This year, unfortunately, one of our own members was memorialized, Patricia (Pat) Louise Webb. Assistant Chief Christy Merrell placed a flower in the boot while members stood at attention and paid their respects.

After the memorial service was the convention. This year, three of our members were recognized for their work in the community. President Ed Pratt received the Laverne Stewart award for excellence in the EMS community. Jack and Frances Ann Cullison were also honored for their FIFTY years of dedicated service to the community! Congratulations to all three of our members on their prestigious awards.

On Sunday, Ambulance 48 and Ambulance 496 participated in the Southern Maryland Volunteer Fireman's Association parade. Ambulance 48 received a judge's award.

Units: Ambulance 48, Ambulance 496